
"The ultimate aim of the Art of Karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the development of the character of its participants."

The Art of Karate-Do places great emphasis on the development of the character of its students, and a code of behaviour is used, together with the physical training, so that technical skill, physical fitness and good behaviour become synonymous with Karate-Do.

The code is based on a mutual respect of Teachers and Students for the art of Karate-Do, and acknowledges that respect must be shown for Seniority. Practitioners of the art of Karate-Do are expected to show the same respect for the society in which they live, and for those who live in and administer that society. It is a source of great satisfaction that English Karate has earned a reputation for producing world-class teachers and competitors, and all Karate students have a duty to behave in a way which will maintain and enhance this reputation on behalf of their club and their association.

Gi's and belts

It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that their Gi fits correctly and is kept clean and in a good state of repair. Tears and other damage must be repaired prior to the following training session. Association or club badges can be embroided or stitched on to the Gi, and for competitions a number or Country badge may be required for identification. The appropriate coloured belt must be worn with the Gi at all times.

Training at another Dojo

An association licence with valid insurance may permit you to train at another Dojo, but permission is needed from the Dojo instructor and from your own instructor. The usual seniority structure will apply.


For all intents and purposes, the competition arena should be treated as the Dojo and the same respect must be shown to seniors and to other Karateka. Karate competition is seen as the 'glamour' side of Karate and competitors, especially those who become successful, will become role-models and can have a marked influence on the behaviour of others, especially young and immature students - therefore they have a special responsibility to exhibit exemplary behaviour with regard to dress, sportmanship and general behaviour both on and off the competition area.

This encompases matters such as general department - not lounging - use of correct and polite language to fellow competitors - officials and spectators - showing respect for other competitors and interest in the competition - no use of stero headphones etc - referees and judges must also be shown exemplary behaviour in the above matters. Referees and judges qualifications do not supersede the grade structure.

Outside the Dojo

As stated, students of Karate have a responsibility to behave in a manner, which maintains and enhances the reputation of their Association and the Art of Karate-Do, both in and outside of the Dojo - in the words of Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of Karate

"Refrain from impetuous and violent behaviour"

Gichin Funakoshi

Advertising and publicity

All advertising, articles and interviews by Karateka must be accurate and in good taste.

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